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WATCH 2:30 PM - Governor Edwards COVID-19 Announcement on Response to COVID-19

WATCH 2:30 PM - Governor Edwards COVID-19 Announcement on Response to COVID-19


Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Cases that come back positive hospitalizations are increasing.
  • Clear to me that the current restrictions are not enough. The appeal to the Louisiana citizens is not producing the results that are needed.
  • Yesterday was the highest day of new cases.
  • Today we report 2,166 new cases and a case positivity of 11.3%
  • Both yesterday and today exceeded 10% for case positivity.
  • Yes, we are testing more people. This is good, a test does not create a case it tells you where you have cases. So yes we are seeing more of the cases that are out there.
  • Thus far in the month of July, we are 11 days in, and we have almost met our monthly goal of 200,000 tests with over 195,000 tests reported as of today.
  • As recently as June the 19th we were 10th in the country for cases per capita now we are number 3.
  • Our rate is not just higher for Louisiana but for all of those states that were previously ahead of us.
    • We are number 3 behind New York and New Jersey.
  • We cannot go back to a time where we are running out hospitals and ventilators.
  • Yesterday alone we added 75 new inpatients today was 65 more.
  • June the 13th we had 532 people in the hospital today we have [____].
  • Fauci says we need better compliance with mask usage, physical distancing, and limiting crowd sizes.
  • We have been extremely patient to have compliance from the community but we are moving a little further.
  • Trying not to ever move back to Phase 2 or Phase 1.
    • Need to balance between the virus, the economy, and opening up schools.
  • Staying in Phase 2 until at least July 24th with some changes starting Monday.
    • Masks are mandated statewide for 8 years of age or older unless they have a health condition that prevents them from wearing a mask.
    • Strongly suggested that children between 2-7 wear them
    • Parishes can opt-out of this mandate if they do not have a high incidence of COVID-19 only 3 parishes currently qualify:
  1. Grant
  2. Red River
  3. West Feliciana
  • All bars closed to on-premises consumption but may do curbside pickup.
  • Indoor social gatherings are limited to 50 people.
  • 50% occupancy remains for businesses.
  • Informal backyard gatherings are the largest contributor to spread think birthdays, baby showers, weddings, etc. Instances where you only invite your close relatives and close friends. But your close relatives and friends may have COVID-19 and they are not part of your immediate household.
    • If you have these types of events you need to keep them as small as you can, wear masks, physical distance, and try to hold them outdoors.
  • Changes go into effect Monday night right after midnight so there is time to comply. Orders will stay in place until at least July 24th.
    • Mod Note: Monday at midnight for this instance means 12:01 AM Monday, so it will start right after midnight today.
  • These decisions are based on White House guidance and guidance from public health experts.
  • Vice President Pence will be coming Tuesday and the White House Task Force been encoring the public to follow local and state orders to follow mask mandate. They encourage mask mandates for where cases are increasing rapidly [like here in Louisiana].
  • Face masks order follow CDC guidance. Masks are mandated statewide for anyone 8 years of age or older.
  • Exemptions to mask-wearing:
    • Have a health condition that prevents you from wearing a mask.
    • Anyone eating or drinking.
    • Anyone communicating to the speech impaired.
    • Anyone who is giving a public speech.
    • Anyone removing face covering for identification purposes.
    • And anyone who is part of a parish who has opted out of the mandate.
  • High incidence of COVID = 100 new cases per 100,000 people per 2 week period.
  • 3 parishes are below that threshold, Grant, Red River, West Feliciana Parish.
  • Even if your parish opts out it is strongly encouraged that everyone wears a mask when outside the household. Just because these are the least affected parishes does not mean there is not COVID there. There is COVID-19 in every parish.
  • If you have are vulnerable you are always safest at home. (Those over 65, diabetes, obesity, etc.)
  • At the end of the day, while I know this will be unpopular and controversial with some, we know face masks work. It is that simple. The vast majority of the spread of this disease comes from people talking, sneezing, coughing, and the mask helps contain the virus from being spread to neighbors.
  • None of these steps were ones that I wanted to take, but they are essential.
  • Typically there is a 14-day lag between a change in behavior and when that change shows up in the numbers and there is an even longer lag time for the change in deaths. So we will not see any changes [from mandating masks or closing bars] in the near future.
  • (We have no reason to believe the numbers we have been reporting are going to get any better, they are likely to get worse.)
  • Bars have been proven to be hotspots for the spread of coronavirus. It may not be true for every bar, but it is true for many of them. Thanks to the many bar owners for complying with restrictions, this is not meant to punish anyone.
  • Identified at least 36 outbreaks from bars impacting over 400 people. We know that number is much higher. All of this has happened in Phase 2 when bars were opened. We also know that leading the spread in recent weeks has been a younger age group more likely to frequent bars. This age group continues to be a big driver of cases.
  • Younger people are spreading COVID19 to older people who are becoming ill in growing numbers.
  • Public health officials believe that bars have a higher risk than other businesses due to the social aspect, having to speak louder over music, keeping the mask off to drink, etc. Alcohol diminishes decision making.
  • I know this will be challenging and unpopular but it is necessary and the right thing to do under these circumstances. We cannot let this illness win. If you, like me, are interested in keeping most of our economy opened and not regrew back in phases, or open schools next month, these things (wearing a mask or closing bars) is a minor price to pay.
  • This should not be a political issue. Someone how there has been a political issue that has come up around masks. You will see that people of both parties will be stressing the absolute importance of wearing a mask.
Dr. Joe Canter (LDH)
  • At the end of the day this I about the perseveration fo human life.
  • Mask mandate follows CDC guidelines for high incidence.
    • High incidence of COVID = 100 new cases per 100,000 people per 2 week period
  • 61 out of 64 parishes currently meet this definition.
    • 3 parishes are below that threshold, Grant, Red River, West Feliciana Parish.
  • The level of COVID incidence is high in the overwhelming amount of parishes of Louisiana.
  • If you are battling a disease you need to know what you are fighting and where it is, which his what testing does. If you do more tests you will find more positives. When we look at cases we look at multiple measurements like percent positivity, which is increasing. The large spike at the end of March and April when CPR increases to 30% is when we were highly restrictive in who we tested which artificially inflated the percent positivity.
  • Over the last week, (Jun 22-July 5th as measured by date of collection, the percent of positivity was 15.3%. Highly concerning number.)
  • A lot of people who test positive are asymptomatic and spread it to their community or other family members.
  • Young adults aged 18-29 accounts for the largest grouping of COVID cases.
  • Over the past week or 2, we are seeing what we feared we would see which is further spread from younger adults to older individuals.
  • COVID has a real propensity to spread, we had no expectation it would stay within the 18-29 age bracket. The most recent data is now showing us that the virus is indeed spreading from those younger adults to older individuals.
  • **(In Phase 2 if you have a vulnerability, are increasing in age, or have a serious underlying medication condition, the risk to you and your personal health is greater and you need to think twice about the risk you take on.
    • Maybe you shouldn't go out. Maybe someone should make food for you.
    • Families should support these individuals.
    • Staying inside and distancing is the safer thing to do.)**
  • We have leading signs and lagging measures. Cases are on the leading sign and fatalities are on a lagging measure. We know that in Louisiana individuals who will die from COVID-19 become symptomatic 16 days before that fatality.
  • Concerned we will see increasing hospitalization and increasing deaths.
  • We have already doubled the number of patients hospitalized with COVID from the middle of June.
  • We have to turn this around.
  • At this point in time, we have more cases coming in than when we were at our peak.
  • Differences between these two peaks are the first time around it was focused on New Orleans, shows the case growth to date without New Orleans. This is a statewide problem and we look similar to Florida or Texas were. We are not as far along but we need to turn this around.
  • The good news is we have already beaten this once we can do it again.
Dr. Neal of OLOL Regional Medical Center
  • We knew when we went to Phase 2 we would see a little more community spread resulting in a few more admissions so we were prepared for that.
  • We were not prepared for the steep escalation in hospitalizations we began to see 10 days ago and cases have not quadrupled.
  • We have too many people in our hospitals.
  • When our hospitals get full it is incredibly hard to care for everyone.
  • Of our patients that are in the hospital, 1/3 are in the ICU.
  • The youngest is 25 and had no medical conditions when they entered the hospital.
  • Patients in their 20s, 30s, 40s are in the ICU struggling for their lives.
  • This is a nightly occurrence in the hospital.
  • **(This takes a tremendous team to do that work and that team can no longer offer care to all those who need it.
    • Those that need for bypass surgery, joint replacement -- they haven't been able to walk in 6 months, or those that have a mass that may be a malignancy.)**
  • We cannot allow this in the community anymore, we have to be better stewards so the whole community is healthier from all of their illnesses, and not just COVID19.
  • We all need to wear masks by doing that we protect our community, each other, and our families. This is how we continue being safe in our homes and not wind up in the hospital as patients with COVID19.
  • Think about each and every interaction you have with another individual, keep your distance, try to have that interaction by Zoom, or by phone.
  • We know that this works, and we know that if you do it we can continue to provide everyone the continued quality of care we expect every day.
Dr. Rainey Winfield Sports Medicine Physician
  • Truly concerned about overwhelming the healthcare system as it exists today.
  • Seen COVID in all demographics.
  • Symptoms have evolved from 3 symptoms to 9 symptoms.
  • New symptoms in the Millenials of migraines headaches, stomach issues, and diarrhea.
  • Increased mental health issues in the community are being seen as well.
  • Assure you that the healthcare system cannot be successful unless the public plays its part by socially distancing, washing hands, and WEARING YOUR MASK
  • Mask wearing works. Respiratory droplets can go up to 12 ft so if you wear wearing a mask it protects those around you. We are in a position now that we are losing lives by something that can be prevented.
  • Take this seriously and listen to what is going on.
Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Misspoke, this is in effect Monday morning not Tuesday as previously stated. It goes into effect at 12:01 AM Monday morning.
  • Shout out to the medical professionals. There has been no one who has stepped up as tremendously and it runs the entire gamut of the medical profession.
  • As Louisiana, we owe it to them to not overburden them.
  • We can prevent it, we have done it before. We do not need to go back to other Phases to do it. We need to follow the CDC and White House Guidelines to slow the virus.
  • Let's be good neighbors and realize we all have a role to play.
  • This opportunity will not last forever, now is our time. You cannot. wait till next week or next month or there will not be time left by then.


Is mask mandate for indoors only or outdoors as well. How will be it be enforced
It is indoors and outdoors when you cannot be physically distanced from others. When you go into an office building or retail establish or restaurant etc unless you meet one of those exceptions that mask needs to be on. If you are outside and are in close proximity with others you need to have a mask on. This mandate applies to all locations. There are exemptions for individuals and those 3 parishes if they choose to opt-out. If they were to opt-out, CDC guidance does not change and everyone is encouraged to wear masks if they can.
Businesses will be required to tell people they need to have a mask on. Businesses can accept a representation from someone saying they meet one of those categories of exceptions. Other than placing law enforcement officers at every building there is no way to do it. There is not a goal to go out there and write citations. We want people to comply. We want businesses to make the effort to put up the signs and if someone does not meet the exception and refuses to wear a mask and if they don't leave they are trespassing. The mandate applies to churches but we will not be enforcing it in churches. WE will not be writing up pastors or doing those things. They are encouraged to understand that that setting where people are there for over an hour it is important for those individuals to wear a mask.
If you were to cite a business what would the penalty be? Is it a fine? If so how much?
I'll get that answer to you. That will not be the first resort. When we go to a business we remind them of the requirements. The first efforts are always going to be to pressure compliance and not a fine.
Will citations be for business owners or..
The owners.
Will you be pulling back on elective surgeries
The office of public health has not told me that that is something they are recommending right now. There are hospitals around the state who have different staffing issues and they may choose to make a different decision for themselves. This has not been raised to a statewide level where I, the governor, would need to consider that.
There are 3 major issues hospitals are facing:
  1. Testing turnaround times.
  2. Remdesivir availability.
  3. Staffing.
Medical exemptions for earring a mask. DO people need to carry a doctors note if they meet one of the exemptions
Business owners have the right to ask you to put on the mask so if you have someone that can document that it would be good to have it on your person but owners are not required to ask you for that.
Conditions that meet exemption for mask-wearing. Tiny minority fo people meet these.
  1. Respiratory issues where wearing a mask puts you in danger.
  2. Children are younger than 2.
  3. Case by case basis.
**The larger point to be made, if you have a condition that you think makes it untenable to wear a mask, it is also likely the case that you are at increased vulnerability for COVID. You really need to look at your own risk profile and if it is worth doing the activities that you would like to do. [(Mod note: aka why are you going out if your respiratory function is that comprised that you cannot wear a mask)]
In terms of casinos will they be limited
Limitations only have to do with social gatherings, not businesses. Phase 2 occupancy requirements remain in place for commercial businesses. The only businesses that are affected by the new occupancy limitations are bars and event spaces.
Why bars and not restaurants
Data we have shows that restaurants do not pose the same risk of transmission as bars. Restaurants with bars in them can seat people at the bar as an extension of the seating area for the consumption of food.
Does guidance apply to State employees
Yes, both to employees and the general public entering a public building.
Texas has begun to send ATF out to shut down businesses. We haven't issued any penalties it's more a warning system. Do you think this is working? Why not be stricter with enforcement
Well, I just announced I am closing every bar. I do not know how to be more categorical than that. Last time I got an update we visited more than 3,100 commercial establishments. What I can tell you is that the vast majority of those were not out of compliance and if they were they got into compliance quickly. Likely it was something simple like employees wearing masks around their necks and not their faces. I have instructed that for repeat business offenders to start issuing citations so I believe you will start seeing that going forward.
I've said from the very beginning a public health emergency of this nature if the people of Louisiana are going to insist that we enforce our way through it we will not be successful. We will continue to have people unnecessarily spreading this disease and then other people through no fault of their own, they may be the most responsible citizen out there, they may contract it because someone in their vicinity is choosing not to be a good neighbor. Then these individuals will go to the hospital and fill that bed and cause all of the problems for the hospital system and its providers, affecting not only the COVID community but anyone that's in need of medical service. To those people of Louisiana who say "well, we are not going to listen to any of that and we are going to make them enforce our way through it. Then we will be unsuccessful but I believe in Louisiana, we are better than that. Our people have always been good and resilient. We are faithful people. We know what it means to be a good neighbor. Now is a good time to be a good neighbor. If you don't like the mask mandate then don't like it, but wear your mask anyway if you are going to be out in public. If you want to criticize me, then criticize me. I understand this is going to be controversial. So be it. It the right thing to do. It's the essential thing to do. But don't sit back and say we will only be successful if we enforce our way through it. That is the wrong attitude.
Can you talk about how the decision for the VP to come to Baton Rouge came to be and the testing issues that may be discussed?
Many things made Louisiana an obvious place to come. We are back to #3 in the country for COVID19 cases per capita. They picked BR specific to do surge testing, one of 3 areas around the country to get above our baseline of 5,000 people. We haven't met that yet, but we are working towards it. Because of the steep increase in cases in BR but even steeper increase in positivity in BR. Louisiana has been on radar front and center for the White House Coronavirus Taskforce since the beginning. We have never come off their radar. I think that is. why he is coming here.
While he is here he will talk about higher education and what we are doing to safely resume on-campus in-person instruction on time. What that mix of education of in-person and distance learning will look like. Plus LSU is the current national champion and he gets to come down be on that fine university. We will meet in a large space in the club on the south end of the stadium.
Did you talk to Clay about the new mandate or the petition gaining speed because of this?
I speak to lawmakers frequently and had the opportunity to talk to them specifically about the proclamation I am signing today. I make sure they are getting regular updates and they see the number and trajectory they are on. So by the time we make these decisions, it is in their mind that this is something we may do. Yes, I had the opportunity to speak with them.
The first time we have a surge in the state there was an awful lot of people who said that only affected Orleans or Jefferson Parish and not us, but that is not the case today. This is literally statewide. The hottest area in the state is in Lake Charles and the second hottest is in Lafayette.
I think the petition would be a tremendous mistake. For us to be the only state without a public health emergency when we are number 3 in the country cases per capita, our positivity is over 15%, we have the highest case growth we've had in the entire public health emergency, our hospitals are filling up again, and all the coordination and resources we need to make available, and all of the coordination we need to do with the Federal government, not to mention making sure we are able to take advantage that they can only send to Louisiana IF we have a declared public health emergency, and the ability to take advantage of the Stafford act? All that would be threatened by a silly partisan petition. They can do if they want but that would be a tremendous mistake and the people of Louisiana will pay a higher price. I urge members not to sign it and if they did sign it to have their names taken off of it.

Final Comments

  • We've been here before, we can get back on top of this and start driving cases down.
  • We all have a role to play.
  • Be a good neighbor.
  • Being a good neighbor means do not make that personal visit. You wear your face mask when you re outside your home and are in proximity to others who are in your household. Wash your hands often. Stay home when you're sick. Take care of those people whoa re especially most vulnerable.
  • You are safer at home always.
  • If you re out and about do not patronize a business that is not operating safely.
  • Pray for our state and our country.
  • Confident we will get through this.
  • It'll be easier and quicker if more people comply with what we are asking you to do.
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE at 2:30 PM - Gov. John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference

WATCH LIVE at 2:30 PM - Gov. John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference

Made by Jeff Asher of the Times-Picayune

For today's conference, Gov. Edwards will be accompanied by Lafayette-area hospital officials and Joe Kanter from the Louisiana Department of Health.


  • Today Louisiana passes the 100,000 case benchmark with 101,650 cases being reported. These are only the cases we know about. These are cases with a positive test result. There are undoubtedly more cases out there, not everyone who is symptomatic has been tested, and we know that between 20-45% of people with COVID19 are asymptomatic and do not generally get tested. We know that there is more COVID out there than those that test positive.
  • 2,408 new cases reported since yesterday.
  • Today we report +16 new deaths, for a total of 3,574. Yesterday we reported 60 new deaths, the highest single-day report of COVID-19 deaths since May. We know deaths sometimes lag behind other numbers. No matter how you slice it up these numbers are very troubling.
  • In the month of July, we have reported over 400,000+ tests and have greatly expanded our testing in Louisiana and are #1 for the month of July for testing per capita in the country.
  • We know we have a high prevalence of COVID19 across the state of Louisiana.
  • I hope that hitting the 100k benchmark shows people we are in a public health emergency, not one that was declared by the Governor himself on his own accord, but one that is happening. This number should be sobering.
  • Cases are increasing across the state and this is why we are remaining in Phase 2. The mask mandate, limitation of bars, reduction of crowd size limitation to 50 people for social gatherings will continue.
  • We are nowhere we want to be in Louisiana. We do not want to have to go back to Phase 1 or Phase 0. However, we cannot lose our capacity to provide life-saving healthcare in our hospitals, which his why we have restrictions in place.
  • We have every reason to believe that if we can get universal compliance with face coverings, social distancing, washing hands, cutting down on travel, with people staying home more often, Lousiana can flatten the curve without having to go back into Phase 1 or Phase 0.
  • You can recall how previously I said that 3 parishes met the were not considered an area of high-incidence of COVID-19 by CDC's standards, and thus met the qualifications to opt-out of the mask mandate? There are currently no parishes that are not in the high-incidence of COVID-19 category.
  • The latest resurgence has impacted the ability of our healthcare systems.
  • OLOL has taken a two-week pause in performing non-emergency medical procedures that require inpatient beds to makes sure they have the beds, and more importantly the staff, they need for COVID19 patients.
  • Hospitalizations have increased all over the state in Louisiana there I, not one region where it decreasing. Especially concerned for Regions 4,5,6.
  • Hospitalizations have increased by +4 for a total of 1,585 COVID-19 positive patients hospitalized across Louisiana.
Dr. Amanda Logue, chief medical officer at Lafayette General Health System
  • Lafayette General Health is the largest healthcare provider for Acadiana but with the volume, they are seeing of COVID19 cases, they are not able to take care of their own community let alone expand services outside.
  • Actively taking care of patients, and surging as they need to, but are quickly running out space.
  • Had to transfers patients to Rapides, Baton Rouge, Northern Lousiana, even Mississippi.
  • Had to decline 87% of requests of transfers into our health system. That is not normal. Do not have the capability or space to take care of them.
  • Please come to the ER if you need to, do not be afraid to come to seek medical services. We will be here if you need us.
  • Main campus, largest hospital, Lafayette General Medical Center 1/2 of ICU, and 1/3 of non-ICU beds have patients fighting COVID19.
  • On May 27th we had 15 COVID 19 patients and yesterday we had 105.
  • In our whole 5 acute hospital system, we have had 143 patients and that number was only 20 six weeks ago
  • Seeing the rapid increase in community spread and hospitalizations that follows the community spread.
  • Please to Acadiana to understand the impact of widespread community outbreaks impacts the hospital system.
  • Moving elective surges off of the main campus and canceling some altogether. This is the last thing we want to do, some patients are still waiting for surgeries that were canceled in April.
  • Hospitals are full and the ICU is full.
  • Some beds are closed due to illnesses to staff.
  • Do not have enough nurses to staff the beds right now.
  • Thankful for the nursing teams but the level they are working at right now it unsustainable.
  • COVID19 has not replaced the typical volume of pattens we normally have like health attacks, strokes, etc. but when you add COVID on top of that it is unsustainable. Normally we can do both, but not when there are surges to this degree.
  • The only way to prevent recurring surges is to truly flatten the curve once and for all.
  • Follow the guidelines. Wash your hands. Physically distance from one another. Avoid large crowds. Wear a mask when you leave the house
  • If you are elder or high risk be especially careful and stay home if you don't have to be out.
  • Impacting not only COVID19 patients but anyone who wants to seek care in Acadiana.
Dr. Henry Kaufman, chief medical officer at Our Lady of Lourdes
  • OLOL the hospital is full and ICU is near complete capacity.
  • This significantly affects normal operations.
    • for 2 weeks OLOL has almost completely eliminated elective surgeries.
    • This means if your cardiologist recommends you need a heart bypass or early-stage cancer those operations will be deferred.
  • Still dealing with the aftermath of people coming in with later stages of diseases due to having to wait from the first surge.
    • Some people weren't able to get tests they would have, like mammograms, and now they are at later stages than what they would have been caught if these elective procedures weren't postponed.
    • 100s if not 1,000s of women have not been able to get their mammograms and he is worried there is the hidden impact completely unrelated to COVID that we haven't appreciated yet.
  • This is a real and present danger, the secondary effects of COVID, but how it affects our hospitals and community.
  • Physicians and team members are doing an amazing job, but they are getting burned out from overwork. Fatigue is a very real problem and this current wave is taxing our abilities for us to provide services.
  • Thought the second wave would come in the Fall and that there was more time to prepare.
  • The community needs to realize how compelling and dangerous of an issue this is.
  • This affects not only the people who are seeking treatment for COVID but also those seeking normal medical services for other needs.
  • OLOL has 19-20-year-old healthy kids in the ICU without any comorbidities.
  • Also seeing an increase of 50-60-year-olds without comorbidities in the ICU.
  • There is no way to tell who it will affect in a severe way. Fortunately, it doesn't affect most people, but it is a very real problem.
  • Wear your mask. Be smart. Good hygiene. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk. Avoid large crowds. Physically distance. It is extremely important right now.
Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Testing available in EBR, no symptoms needed, no exposure needed. Please take advantage of the FREE test while testing the available.
    • You can pre-register at DoINeedACovid19Test.com - please do not register multiple times.
    • Thanks to the WH Taskforce for putting surge testing in Louisiana.
  • Working to establish a new surge testing site in the New Orleans area.
  • Deliberate misinformation campaign about the state inflating numbers by counting every positive test as a positive case. That is not the case, only your first test is counted. Every individual who tests positive only counts as one case regardless of the number of positive test results they may get.
  • If you have COVID19 in your state you will see cases go up, then hospitalizations, then deaths. It doesn't make sense that you would have hospitalizations and deaths going up without cases having gone up as well.
  • We have people being irresponsible and we are asking them to stop. No one should pay attention to what these individuals are saying.
  • We are not perfect, but we've put in multiple redundant systems to make sure the data is accurate, timely, and that we are sharing in a manner to be as transparent as possible.
  • Encouraged today by the vast majority of businesses and local leaders who are taking this seriously and masking up to protect their loved ones, employees, and the state of Louisiana to make sure we get back on top of the virus as soon as we can.
  • Asking everyone to take this virus seriously and do his or her part.
  • No one wants to go back to Phase 1. It shouldn't be necessary to go backward, but the only way to keep us from doing that is if everyone wears their mask when they are outside their home. It is a small price to pay. Be a good neighbor. If nothing else has respect for our healthcare workers who are working months on end.
  • There is not a safer place than at home. If you go out do so as little as possible. You do not need to go to the grocery store 3 times. Just go one once. If you go do not bring your entire family
  • If when you'd o go out you practice social distancing, washing your hands, and do not go out when you are sick. We will turn this around.
Comment on the weather
  • Watching the tropics. We're in hurricane season.
  • TP 8 is moving across the Gulf Coast towards Texas but there is a risk of heavy rainfall in the S, SW, and Central parts of the state.
  • Areas south of I-10 could receive between 2-4" of rain and tides are running higher than normal.
  • Flash flooding is a possibility. Do not drive on any street that could be underwater.
  • Will monitor Storm Gonzales.
  • Go to GetAGamePlan.org and prepare for a hurricane.
  • Preparing for a hurricane is different this season because of COVID19. Encourage everyone to check GetAGamePlan.org to get prepared.


What's the plan if we run out of space, is the plan to shift them to Morial?
First off, we are going to make sure that doesn't happen that we don't run into a situation where we cannot provide healthcare. We still have 250 beds at the Morial Convention Center with staffing for 60 with 28 beds currently being filled. We can expand to 60 more beds quickly. Further, much of the investments we made early on created new permanent surge capacity at various hospitals around the state. So we are in better shape than we were before.
Frankly, my bigger concern is not about beds, but about staffing. We believe we will be able to make the adjustments necessary and open the surge units, but the bigger challenge is around staffing. It is bigger this time because the surge we are seeing is happening in multiple parts of the country at one time. Hard to draw upon out-of-state staff because of those areas and not willing to give them up because they need them too. We discussed it with the VP last week after a phone email with hospital staff prior. Submitted a request through FEMA and it is currently pending. Looking to us the existing footprints of our hospitals, because it is easier to solve the staffing challenges than open up a new facility that isn't part of the existing footprint. No plan to currently create new facilities, but are working to fill staffing shortages.
How much did you request from the FEMA
As best as I can recall it was 300 Request to FEMA ranged from phlebotomists, ICU nurses, respiratory therapists, and so forth. I will get you the exact information.
Some people in Acadiana and Lafayette, in particular, feel the local agencies and parish governments are not doing their parts to enforce the mandates. What can we do on the state level to drive home how important it is to follow the mandates
When you watch Fauci or Birx speak and see what is coming out the CDC, that speak to you about the importance of these mitigations measures and you accompany it with the numbers we are seeing in Louisiana right now, not just cases but hospitalizations and deaths, you would hope the people would be responsible enough, take that into consideration, and they will comply because they understand it is important for those who are valuable, to help the medical community. Even if for some strange reason that is totally incomprehensible that you don't care about COVID you should care about there being capacity in the hospital if you get into a car accident or a family member has a stroke, you want that care to be available. We just need people to focus on the task at hand, do their part, be good neighbors. It is not that we won't force these things but if the people of Louisiana are going to make us enforce all of this we will not be successful. There are 4.6 million people in Louisiana, 10s of 1,000s of businesses if the people of Louisiana are going to sit back and say we will make you enforce every part of this we are doomed. As I mentioned the vast majority of businesses and people are being responsible but there are still too many that are not. So I am directing these comments to those individuals. IF you want to be mad at me, and disagree with me be mad and disagree but do so with a mask when you are outside of your house.
Where do you think the deliberate misinformation campaign is coming from?
I do not know. I am not personally investigating it. I am doing what I can to make sure no one attaches any credibility to it. This not just happening in Louisiana. This is happening in all of the other states that are having this tremendous resurgence. No one is out there "cooking the books". One thing we would do, if it was safe to do, is open our hospitals up so they could see with their own eyes the people who are fighting for their lives. They would know this is not a made-up number. This is grossly negligent and irresponsible. I am asking people not to do it and for others not to believe it.
Are you surprised that bars are the top location for an outbreak of COVID
I cannot say I'm surprised, bars were one of the last things opened because we knew the environment is not the easiest to control so people do things safely. It's just the nature of that establishment. Many people go to a bar to stay for several hours, have multiple drinks, and relax their inhibitions. They may have one mindset going in and another coming out. Then there is loud music and so you need to speak louder and release more particles if you happen to have COVID19. Then if you're listening you tend to get closer to hear than you should be. We were hopeful restrictions would work, but for the vast majority of bars, it proved to be too much. This is not just here in Louisiana. It is a WH Taskforce recommendation for our state and other states with high rates of COVID-19. It is also a worldwide recommendation. Once South Korea came out of its lockdown they had to shut down every bar in Seoul because they had a similar experience.
With staffing being an issue is the Morial Convention center a viable option as a field hospital
Dr. Henry Kaufman, chief medical officer at Our Lady of Lourdes: We have physical space, we have beds that are used during the day for outpatient surges. Those can be converted into hospital rooms. We have beds that are typically used for other purposes, and those have been converted to rooms. However, as we see an increasing number of transferrable cases in the community we see our nurses become infected. When a nurse becomes infected the quickest they return to work is 10 days. As a result, there is a huge pool of nurses who are currently out right now. This puts a strain on other nurses and staff in the hospital. So far it is working out, but our nurses are tired. The problem is not needing physical space, it is having enough people in our community to staff those beds to keep our nurses healthy. One way you can prevent yourself from getting COVID is to stay active and healthy, well-rested, and that your immune system is working well. Nurses, physicians, and staff are tired and not taking care of themselves as well as they need. This is a vicious cycle. Everyone is looking for staff right now. We are not at the point of reaching out to non-traditional areas for staffing. We have disucssed calling in retired nurses or those who have moved to other careers who still hold their licenses who could help.
Have you thought of reaching out of state for staffing?
Dr. Henry Kaufman, chief medical officer at Our Lady of Lourdes: We have contacted local staffing agencies, not many people available, anyone who is employable is employed. Everyone across the country is seeking nursing right now. Yes, we have considered that.
Governor John Bel Edwards
I've had requests to take national guard soldiers in a medical unit and have them available at the hospitals. But guess where the national guard soldiers in our medical unit work? In our hospitals. So I would be pulling them from one hospital to send them to another hospital around the state. The first thing we did was put out an EMAC request to all other states to see if they had anyone they could offer to address what we need. Exactly zero states offered any staffing. So then you start looking at staffing contractors and we are working that angle now. That is proving to be difficult as well, which is why we continue to work with FEMA on staffing.
In regards to the Morial Convention Center, remember that facility is for the less acute patients to allow hospitals to free up space sooner than they would. So once a patient reaches that level of care where they don't need an acute bed, but can't go home, they can go to the Morial Convention Center for care. Having hospitals sending their less severe patients to the convention center is something we are considering.
With the testing shortage issue in terms of a turnaround..
I just want to be clear we are doing an extraordinary amount of tests, but it is not a shortage of collection kits. There are reagent issues in the lab that are contributed to longer turnaround times, as well as the sure volume of tests. So of all the tests, we reported today 65% were within the last week. 30% were from the week before. That gives you an idea of the percentage of tests. This greatly impacts our ability to fight COVID-19. If someone waits 7-10 days to find out they are positive and did not curtail their activities, we know they are out there spreading that disease. Plus if it takes too long to get a test result back the contact tracing is too hard. So the turnaround time at the labs is the current challenge, not the testing supplies itself.
with turnaround times does this challenge testing congregate settings
In congregate settings, we are testing 100% of residents and staff every 2 weeks. We are seeing some delays in getting those results back. Anytime you see that it interferes with our ability to quickly get on top of the situation and appropriately quarantining patients. It is also true for the staff member who goes home at night and interacts with their family.
Over the next approx 8-12 weeks it is the goal of the Federal Government to send a rapid point of care tests to every nursing home. We are starting to see those machines arrive in small numbers this week and that will continue. That way tests are administered with results being known within 24 hours. It sounds too good to be true, so we need to make sure the machines come and we have all the testing materials that are needed.
Why are casinos not facing additional restrictions?
I'm not going to tell you we haven't experienced any issues at casinos but I can say they have been few in number and much more easily removed because you only have only a small number of them operating. Plus it is the most regulated industry in Louisiana so if you go in there and tell them a problem the corrections get made. We know they have been very responsive to any remedial measures we have told them to take. That is why they are open. We believe they can safely operate at the level of occupancy we have described. We want as much of our economy opened as possible consistent with public safety and the health of our people. Where we can operate a business safely we want to do that. Under the limitations, we currently have in place with casinos they can operate safely.

Closing Remarks

We have flattened the curve before and we can do it once again. We can do it without going back to Phase 1. But everyone must do their part. So if you want the economy open then we must all do our part. Please wear a face covering. Social distance. Stay home when you are sick. Wash your hands often. Watch out for the most valuable. The safest place you can be is at home. Lift one another upon prayer and focus on our blessings. If nothing else let's be thankful for our healthcare workers. Everyone has a healthy and safe weekend. God bless.
👉 NEXT PRESS CONFERENCES Will be Tuesday and Thursday next week at the Capital. If there is a reason to meet at other times, whether related to weather or COVID19, I will let you know.
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Governor John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference

During the last press conference, Governor Edwards stated that the next conference would take place the same time next week, and as of 9:30 AM, there hasn't been an announcement stating otherwise. I will update this post if the time changes.


Gov. John Bel Edwards
The "Great Doctor" Billioux - LDH continues to try to publish more and more data weekly. They have added more information such as the percent of positive cases by regions and hospitalization breakdown by region to the Dashboard. - The difference between this rise in cases and what we saw earlier on is that we have significantly more data which allows us to communicate to you a lot more early warning signs. - We haven't yet seen real big rises in ventilator usage like our neighbors in Texas, but if these curves continue we will probably see these numbers go up. - More individual information was added this week regarding race data. * Louisiana was one of the first states to provide race data for people dying by COVID-19. - LDH now feels comfortable putting out race data by cases. * There is still 19% of cases that they do not have race data. Whether it is from lack of information taken when someone is tested or inability to get information from contact tracing. - Still see there is a disproportionate number of African Americans who are contracting COVID-19 when compared to their white counterparts. * This is also true for our Latin-X communities. - The disparity is starting to narrow, at least for deaths. - It is important that we know where COVID-19 is and how to protect ourselves. - At the regional level, we can see other races beyond the Black and White races available for parish data. - Where is COVID Spreading?
Outbreak Setting Number of Outbreaks Cases % of Cases
Food Processing 11 423 30%
Bar 36 393 27%
Industrial Setting 16 117 8%
College/University 3 84 6%
Restaurant 16 68 5%
Construction Site 3 48 3%
Casino 4 38 3%
Social Event - Private 3 38 3%
Office Space 8 36 3%
Wedding 7 31 2%
Gym/Fitness Setting 3 26 2%
Ship/Boat 1 25 2%
Other Worksite 8 24 2%
Social Event - Public 1 24 2%
Child Daycare 7 17 1%
Religious Services/Event 2 17 1%
Recreation 2 10 1%
Retail Setting 3 8 1%
Camp 1 5 0%
Grand Total 135 1,432 100%

Questions by Dr. Billioux

Explain the 14-day quarantine...
Gov referenced the need to quarantine for 14 days. As we do contact tracing and tell them they may have been exposed, we know that some people's initial urge is to go out get tested. More often than not its been several days since your exposure, so testing is reasonable. If you know you have been exposed today it is not advisable to get a test today. Regardless of being tested, 5 days after exposure and it is negative, you can still turn positive on day 13 or 14. Quarantining is for 14 days regardless of your test result. If you ae been exposed you need to do whatever you can to isolate yourself from other members of your household and certainly do not go out.
Why we are seeing cases in college universities when they are currently closed?
So there is a couple of data points that we have around that. One is that for the last week or so more than 1/3 have been from 18-29 certainly 29 or less. So that is the same population we would see around college campuses. The other point that I may is that even though the universities may not be open hey still remain centers of our community were people of this age group reside. A university draws a large group from that age range so it is not surprising to see an increase in those locations. Note it is 3 we have identified out of 84 cases. We are trying to engage college students to make sure our message is clear to inform them on the best ways to keep themself safe. Even though are seeing very few people are needing hospitalization and even fewer are dying but if you increase the number of people who are exposed in this age group the number of people who will be hospitalized or who die will also increase. We now have 25,000 active cases statewide, even if these individuals are in a low-risk group for bad outcomes for COVID, but anywhere anyone else goes there is a higher chance of being exposed to COVID-19 whether they are going to bar or a gym the likelihood of catching the virus is higher.
Cannot hear question - will update later
We definitely see most cases coming from population centers but from the beginning, we have seen cases coming from rural settings. If you look at the map every parish has cases, as we increase testing in smaller parishes we see increases in cases. Some of our smaller parishes rank highest in the amount of COVID cases and deaths in the nation. It is a problem that is truly statewide. This is not a New Orleans or EBR problem, we have COVID cases rises spreading everywhere across the state in the way we did not in March.
Are you tracking cases in prisons and correctional facilities? Why isn't this reported on the Dashboard.
We track cases wherever they come from. We want to know if they are from individuals that are residing in the setting or staff that work in a setting. We recently partnered with the CDC to do more comprehensive testing in a prison int he North, we work with the DEpt. of Corrections with their testing procedures, same on the parish level to help them support their testing. Individuals' locations are not identified to the public unless they are posing a risk to the public. If we take an example of the bars in Baton Rouge and were not able to identify everyone who had been there we did make a public statement. It is not mandated by the Federal government to be reported like nursing homes are.
How can we make restaurants safer
We always look at how we can make any setting safer. Recently we are looking at how we can increase enforcement. Having people in these settings to makes sure staff and patrons are doing what they can reduce their risk in these settings. Bars produce a particular risk. You may be leaning in closer to yell over sounds or if you are slowly drinking a drink you are not taking a mask on and off. We are visiting those sites.
How many new citations or violations have been given from the LDH
Data is not available. Normally we give a warning and then a follow-up visitation and if that is not corrected by the followup visit a citation is not ordered.
Are you planning to break up COVID-location exposure by regions
No. Anyone one of these settings you should assume it is going on in your neighborhood. What is more important is to make a self-assessment when you enter a setting if it is safe for you to be there or not.
Gov. John Bel Edwards

Question by Gov Edwards

Earlier you compared us to Texas. Texas is limited crowd size, cracking down on restrictions, and adding a statewide mask mandate. Are you considering limiting crowd sizes, adding restrictions, or instituting a mask mandate?*
Other states are considering closing bars and indoor dining. Seeing the surge in cases have you reconsidered the current restrictions on restaurants and bars?
I will tell you that we are getting the guidance directly from the cOronavirus task force as well we have done over 3,100 site visits over the last 10 days or so. Primarily working through the Free Marshall Office we are trying to gain more compliance with existing restrictions and are having success in almost every case. We will be starting our followup visits and if there are repeat violations actions will be taken there. In regards to 50% occupancy for on-premises dining, we are on par with what Texas is doing now. Our decision not to go into Phase 3 was the right decision. I can only imagine what the case would be if we removed to Phase 3. We are paying attention to all of these things and maybe making some adjustments to the restrictions. Currently, we remain focused on getting compliance with existing restrictions. If this proves to be insufficient to get our numbers under control we whatever is necessary to not put a strain on our hospitals. We are not there today but we are on-trend to get there.
President Trump says he wants all students returning to school for in person instruction, do you have guidance on what you would like to see with schools reopening?
First of all, I would hope aspirationally we want to see our schools open 5 days a week for in-person instruction, but at the same time, we have to balance the interest of preserving the health of students, staff, and faculty. We need to look at what situation is at any given time of the situation, particularly in advance of when that school year will commence. You will see school districts implementing even more measures to protect students, staff, and faculty. Under no circumstance do we anticipate a return to pre-COVID normal. Even if we have in-person instruction on campus it will not look like how it was prior to COVID. Not like to see school assemblies, students eating in lunch, students will not be coming into contact with people who are not their immediate cohorts. It is important to get students back onto campus not just for education but for nutrition, social well being, mental health services, and we have to remember that teachers and school counselors are mandatory reporters when they suspect a child has been subject to abuse or neglect. For all these reasons we ant them back on our campuses but we ate to do it safely. Only recently the CDC related a plethora of guidance. K-12 leaders are pouring over that now to make sure it is incorporated into our plans of reopening. Impossible to know on July 8th what it will look like or whether it will even be possible to open schools a month from now.
Question about fall sports and Senators Fields request that K-12 sports be cancelled for the Fall
It is a little too early to say on July 8th what this will look like. I appreciate the concerns of Senator Fields, that decision may be a prudent decision but we are not at the time where that decision needs to be made. WE need to know al little more and get a little deeper into the calendar before the decision is made.
Question about how Gov. Edwards feels about then comparison of wearing a mask to the holocaust
It is utter nonsense and sad. My best advice to anyone who wants to talk about any person or situation today and compare it back to the nazis or the holocaust is not appropriate. Certainly not in this circumstance where mask-wearing is recommended across the world now, including by our own Federal Govern and White House to wear masks to stop a disease that is highly contagious and highly lethal. It just misses the boat on all fronts to compare that to something related to the holocaust.
cannot hear question
Dr. Birx called me last week they were looking at certain hot posts across the country where you had increases in cases and positivity that were very pronounced. They wanted to assist going into those areas with additional testing, with the hopes of identifying more people with the coronavirus, put them into quarantine, and cool off these hot spots. In EBR we may be seeing this because of the younger demographic, we are a college town, we do not know why we are seeing it but we appreciate the help and hope to get the 5,000 additional tests today between now and July 18th. This is the only federally sponsored testing taking place in Louisiana presently. If you have questions about this testing or how to take advantage of it call 2-1-1 doineedtogetacovid19test.com to pre-register. [location of testing sites]
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

I think I solved it.. Two stories in one

About three days ago, I started hearing stories of the Black Eyed Kids for the first time in years
I'd heard the stories as a teenager, and everyone has seen the creepy photoshopped images of freaky kids somewhere on the net, but I never paid any mind to them. I thought it was just an urban legend.
I'm a bit of an occultist(this is important later), and I went through a phase as a teenager where I studied almost everything paranormal I could get my hands on, but these days, I'm mostly a skeptic where spectacular creature phenomena are concerned. Or, I was until about 3 days ago.
Around that time, I was on a drive and I heard a really old podcast about black eyed kids... The original internet post from Abiline, and I almost wrecked my truck. The story was so similar to an experience that I had with my boyfriend back in January... But let me tell you about that first, because it's weird in itself.
I was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on a date with my boyfriend. It was actually our first date, despite having met online over a year ago, and being an official couple for four months at that point.
We decided to drive down to Baton Rouge for the weekend after the college football national championship, so partying was in full swing from the LSU victory, to party and hang out in general.
Our first night there, we decided to see a movie... I think it might have been the 1917 movie.. And we got to the theater about an hour early so we could make sure we got good seats. We got our tickets, and having time to kill, we decided to walk across the street to the Mall of Louisiana and take a quick look around, and window shop for our planned outing the next day.
It was kind of late, around 730 or so, so most of the shops were closed, but we decided to go to the Mall anyways, like I said, to window shop, and also to walk around and stretch our legs.
We had just crossed the street at the cross walk right there between the theater and the bowling alley/arcade, and it happened.
I never saw them walk up, which is odd, because I have a really hyper focused sense of observation. I grew up in a bad environment, and you learn early to take note of everyone and everything, no matter if you think someone is a threat or not. Just in case.
Me and my boyfriend, who is younger than me, and also a slim individual, had just made it to the other side of the street when two boys approached us, seemingly out of nowhere. One looked to be about 16 and the other was about 12 or 13. Both of them were caucasian in appearance, the older one having either brown or sandy blonde hair, and the younger one with brown hair. It was just light enough outside still to be able to see that much.
My first impression was that their clothes were weird. They looked like the kind of abercrombie or hollister clothes a typical suburban kid would wear... But from the mid 90s, kind of faded almost.
The older boy started talking... And it immediately creeped me out.
"Do you have a car." He just walked up to me and asked that... But, im a nice guy, and other than the weird feeling that something was off, and despite jt being such an odd question, I decided to answer....
Bear in mind, that at this point, my boyfriend is beside me, and slightly behind to my left, because he was following me and we had been talking.
But we had both stopped talking, because of how weird we both felt this situation was...
This is really hard for me to type... I'm honestly creeped out and scared at the present moment... But I want to put my whole story out there.
I looked at my boyfriend, and he had his head down, and had moved behind me. I'm a bigger guy, because I used to work out heavily before my job took over, and I could tell he was getting behind me because he was scared... And my boyfriend doesn't scare easily. Hes never backed down from a fight, and his headstrong nature has gotten him into trouble before. But now he was hiding behind me, and when he saw me looking at him, he raised his head, and shook his head NO, before putting his head back down. He also wasn't on his phone, which was weird because he had just been in the middle of a lively snapchat convo moments earlier, that being his preferred social media app.
I looked back at the boys, and neither of them had moved.
I don't know why I said it, because my first instinct was to lie and get my boyfriend away from there, but I told him "well, not really, I mean... I have a rental, im parked over there." I pointed to the movie theater parking lot.
"Can you give us a ride?"
Despite the complete sense of uneasiness I had, and the extremely strong sense that they did not need to be anywhere near my car... I was curious. I've been a youth pastor and youth addiction counselor in the past, so when I see a kid in need, my first instinct is always to try and figure out what's going on and how to help.
"Where do you need to go?"
"We came to the mall, but we need to get back to our house. Its not far from here. Our parents will be mad if we don't get back."
"Well... Why don't you call them? Maybe they can give you a ride."
I was headset against giving them a ride... Despite their average appearance, I kept getting imagess of maniacal smiles andy throat being slit from behind in the back of my mind.
"We don't have phones."
I have a habit of scanning my surroundings, and I looked up just then, to see if the other people milling around were trying to get past us on the sidewalk, or looking at this strange conversation of young men in the middle of a busy thouroughfare, but just as I looked up, I heard the younger one say
"They're not paying attention."
Heard him say. I never saw him speak, despite having stand not three feet from me, and his face being very much in my field of vision.
I also thought he was speaking to his "brother". His brother looked at him, and I heard "They can help us."
The younger one looked back at him "They can see us."
I thought this was odd, but I was more concerned with finding a polite end to this conversation, and seeing these boys on their way safely.
"I really would help you, but there's all kinds of stuff in my back seat... and we have to see a movie soon."
"It won't take long. It's not far."
The older one had spoken, and turned to face me again. I barely managed to notice that the rest of the small crowd at the mall looked kind of washed out, almost not there, really, when I saw his eyes for the first time.
They were the palest shade of green.
Yes, odd for a BEK story, but bear with me.
His eyes, though I could see them, were kind of ethereal... Almost not really there. Almost transparent. Like ghost eyes. They had bits of yellow in them. Maybe they turned blue... I'm not sure... They were hypnotizing though. I noticed fear in his eyes... Not "I'm about to die" fear, but "I need serious help" fear. The fear a kidnap victim might feel. Or a lost kid.
He looked at the younger boy again. "Yeah, he can see us".
" ask him for help. He can help us"
I was sketched out by now, and I just wanted to leave.
"I can't give you a ride... But you said its not far... Can you walk? Or can I let you use my phone to call your parents"
"They're not at home, they're still at work... Its too far to walk. Its a couple of miles."
I was desperate to get away by now. The sense of urgency to help was getting too strong, and I didn't like it, because everytime I thought about helping, I got a stronger sense that I was going to be murdered. I just knew, that If I survived the trip there, I would be invited in, and I wouldn't be able to refuse, and their parents would be inside, and it would be bad.
My boyfriend wasn't even a thought then... Except that he was so close behind me that I could feel his presence... We had to go.
"I can maybe give you a couple kf bucks for bus fare?" There was a bus stop right there...
"We just moved here. We don't know the bus stops. We just need a ride"
"Where are you from"
"Far away"
"Look, I wish I could help, but we've got to go."
And with that, I started to walk away, and made sure my boyfriend was with me. We left that spot in a hurry.
I turned around about five seconds later to look at the two weirdos, and they were gone.
My boyfriend was pissed. "I can't believe you did that!"
"Did what?"
"Talked to them!"
"What? They needed help."
"They were fucked up."
"What, you mean high? Their pupils weren't dilated..."
"No, they didn't HAVE pupils. They were fucked up."
"I didn't see anything..."
"I can't believe you didn't see anything. I'm telling you, they were fucked up. That's why I didn't say anything. And I'm not crazy. I know what I saw."
I believed him, kind of. I thought he meant drugs.
I joked with him about it for a few moments, honestly not seeing anything amiss except for their weird attitude and the insistence of getting in my car, but he got even more upset.
"Just. Stop. Talking about about it. I'm done. I'm not crazy."
And so I dropped it. Until three days ago, when I heard a story about BEKs on an old podcast show I had recently discovered....
I called up my boyfriend to ask him... Those guys at the mall back in January... Did they have black eyes?
"Yeah". Was all he would say. He was still too scared to talk about it.
But looking back... I remember that weekend. It was bad. Me and my boyfriend argued about trivial stuff... We almost broke up.
He developed a nosebleed that night. After he went to bed, I almost went crazy. I drove across town, full of unexplainable angst, and stopped at one of the riverboat casinos - the Belle of Baton Rouge. Out on the promenade... I had this strong urge to throw myself in the Mississippi and drown myself.... It was raining, and the water looked rough. I knew I wouldn't survive... But somehow, I held back against the unexplainable urge.
In the weeks that followed, he had a near nervous collapse. I was having issues at work that almost cost me my job. We almost broke up again.
I had a psychic help me do a cleansing... And things, which had slowly been spiralling into an abyss, especially with virus related layoffs, started improving.
Now, I mentioned that I was into the occult (I'm a pagan). Well, yesterday I was talking to a which friend of mine who has a lot of lore knowledge and experience dealing with the paranormal. A lot more than me at least.
I told her my story, and she wasn't the least bit surprised.
" Yeah", she told me "they're the spirits of kids who were horribly abused in life."
I thought about it.... And considered the Scandinavian Mylings... Children with black eyes, come back for revenge on the living.. Killed at a young age, and denied a proper burial.
Then I thought about another BEK story... Where the parents of the kids actually DID arrive, after a lady invited them in.
Which brings me to the second story
I was staying with some friends of mine once... And this was actually about the same time that I first met my boyfriend online.
Anyways... They were a couple, and we... Were all close. Ill just leave it at that.
They had a son, whom ill call "robbie". Not his real name.
Anyways, robbie was the coolest kid ever. He was seven, got good grades at school, and was fiercely independent. Knew how to cook a little bit, did chores, liked to chop firewood, and was known to steal alcohol on occasion.
Then he had a side of his personality where all he wanted to do was snuggle up to either me or his mom on the couch and watch a cartoon and fall asleep on the days where it raining and he didnt have school. (Mom worked weekends, and I didnt, and dad wasnt the affectionate type. and like I said, we were all close. He called me " uncle")
Anyways, he was a sweet but tough kid.
Well, one time he started having nightmares and sleepwalking... Which is typical seven year old kid stuff. No big deal. I dont remember the nightmares, because they were eclipsed by something else... The spirit.
We would all go to another friend's house for the day and come back... And the front door would be open. At first, we thought the two puppies did it. They were six month old black labs and could be rambunctious.
So we put the dogs outside when we left... And the door would be open when we got back. We called the police eventually after about a week of it, and they set a patrol for the area.
The door started staying shut... But the inside doors would all be reversed. Doors that were closed would be opened and vice versa. We were getting freaked out.
A couple of times mom would swear she heard someone on the porch outside here bedroom window (we were in a doublewide trailer with a porch that ran the length of the whole thing).
Once, i thought I saw a small figure run past the living room window, but didnt hear footprints... And there werent any prints in the sand or grass around the porch... We all looked.
This all came to a head the night that, asleep on the couch, I bolted awake when the dogs growled. The dogs NEVER growled. They were too scared to chase a frog. Innocent little puppies. The growling set me on edge, and I woke up... Alarmed... And there was a dark man shape trying to get through the front door. The dogs ran from the kitchen and tried to attack it.
Im a brave guy. Ive run into burning buildings. Jumped into a snake infested creek to grab a kid who couldnt swim. But this.... I screamed.
The whole house came running. At first, they didnt believe me (the figure disappeared). They thought the dogs were play fighting and just happenned to hit the door. But the door was locked. Every night. And I pointed that out.
Suddenly, we knew we had a situation.
We were all pagans to an extent, so we tried everything. Sage. Salt. Rituals. Sigils. And still, strange happenings. The kids sleep walking was getting worse.
I remember the dreams now... Omfl.
"I dont want to go with them. They want me to go, but I dont want to."
We thought it was a joke (at first) and told him "well hell kid, dont go. Tell them to go away."
And then, excitedly, a while later, he said "I told them to go, and to leave me alone and I kicked their butts, and they left!"
"Robbie, who tf are you talking about?"
"The other kids."
Right after he "kicked their butts", the stuff started happening with the doors.
Flash back forward. We know we have a haunting, and none of the usual stuff is working. I decide to go all in.
Im going to trance out, Edgar Cayce style, and see if I can maybe contact "the other side." It worked.
There was a lady there. She had a message for me.
"I know you think this kind of stuff is a joke, but you need to know that it isnt. Robbie in in danger. He was raped as a toddler by his grandfather, and now his grandfather's spirit has come back to destroy his soul. He will turn the boy into a monster. You are all in danger if he succeeds"
I woke up.... People were watching me (the mom and dad). I didnt want to soud weird... So I asked...
"Kat" (her, but not her real name) "Was robbie.... Molested as a child?" Her eyes got huge... Dad, who was really 'stepdad" looked at her, confused...
"Well.. People used to tell me that my mom would abuse him... But I thought they were talking shit... I caught her with her hand down his diaper one day, though, and flipped out. But I never told anyone."
Step dad looks at Kat "Is that why your mom isnt allowed to babysit him?" The situation had actually been a point of bother and inconvenience and source of several arguments between them in the last few months, when their work schedules had collided horribly.
Kat grimaced. "Yes".
But... It still didnt make sense... Because my vision said " grandfather" specifically... Unless...
"Kat... Did your mom ever claim that her own father molested her?"
Her eyes almost popped out of her head when I asked...
"Yes! But..."
"Did he ever babysit robbie before he died?" (I knew her grandfather was dead - her mother and her son were her only living relatives).
"No! He died before he was born!"
Still not making sense... But one more question... "Did your mom ever claim that her father raped her?"
Kat was practically crying. These were FAMILY SECRETS, buried for years, coming from the mouth of someone who certainly never had them told to him.
"Yes... But what does any of this have to do with the haunting?"
"The Spirit in my dream last night told me that robbie was molested as a baby by his grandfather and that his grandfather's spirit was trying to corrupt Robby's soul and turn him into a monster. If we go off of that victimized children repeat the cycle by victimizing other children as adults, then, in a sense, since your grandfather possibly molested your mom, and she likely did the same to him, then, in a sense, since he started the cycle, he was the one who technically molested your son... His sin passed on to him"
She was freaking out, full blown panic attack, and the stepdad wasnt far behind. They both stood up, alarmed.
"So what do we do?!!"
" we have to banish the old man's spirit, and protect your son's. End the cycle."
Which we did. With a series of specific pagan rituals.
But thats my theory... The BEKs were abused in real life... And then their souls were taken captive by the spirits of their tormenters.. To pass on torment to others. To feed off of happiness and replace it with pain and misery
If the Scandinavian tales are anything to go off of, and my own experience... Im not going to say invite them in... But perhaps a banishing ritual and warding charm could go a long way to preventing further harm...
In mundane terms I think those kids are already eternal slaves... But we should try to prevent harm in our own communities... Watching out for abused kids... Keeping harmful folks away from kids... Taking certain nightmares and experiences seriously and preventing what comes next...
I think of all the mysteriously vanished people and kids who never turn up again... And I wonder.
submitted by ulfhedunn to BlackEyedKidsStories [link] [comments]

I Need Advice

Jesus. I feel stupid writing this. This is not something I feel comfortable sharing with anyone in my circle (family friends, co-workers), so I’ll share it with you, nosleep. I’m new to the group, and not sure exactly how this whole thing works, but I could use some advice, or at least some feedback.

First, a quick hello: I’m a forty-eight year old traveling salesman. I provide electrical components to military/defense aerospace companies. My territory encompasses several states which requires lots of travel. Basically, I spend more time on the road than I do at home.

I know. Poor guy, right? I get to see where they make the missiles and tanks, AND I get to travel every week. But please don’t misunderstand, I know I’m lucky to have a great job. I’ve been doing this for almost eight years and couldn’t imagine a better way to make a living.

My concern is not with my job, it’s where I stay at night. I started out booking hotels (mostly Marriott and IHG properties), but after years of eating those scrumptious ‘scrambled eggs’ and turkey patties from the free breakfast, well, I decided to try something different. So a few weeks ago I booked a Bed and Breakfast.

My first experience was in Arkansas. I don’t want to post the name of the B&B, but it is in the Ozarks near Eureka Springs. It is an older home, remodeled with new carpet. I remember the staff being extremely nice and helpful. I stayed two nights while visiting customers. Nothing out of the ordinary happened other than I accidentally left a pair of my work slacks hanging in the closet.

The following week, I was in Salt Lake City, UT. I stayed in a two-story house with a view of the Wasatch mountains (beautiful). The first night, I was restless. Even my white noise app didn’t help. The second night, I was awakened around 3am. Dripping sweat, and my heart was messing up a little. I have a slight AFib (Atrial fibrillation) condition that bothers me if I don’t eat enough carbs. Couldn’t go back to sleep, so I watched a YouTube documentary about an island in Mexico full of broken dolls.

Next morning, I packed and had breakfast in the common area before heading to the airport. On the way to the rental car facility, I couldn’t shake the feeling I’d left something at the B&B (not my slacks again either- Ha!). I even called to have them check my room. The feeling never really left.

Next week was a detached B&B in Albuquerque, NM. It was a converted garage next to the main house. Nice enough but smelled a little moldy. I awoke the first night to the barking of a dog. Again, I was drenched in sweat and my AFib was kicking the hell out of my chest. I tried cooling down with a wet washcloth, but I just couldn’t get comfortable. I tossed and turned all night, and the next morning, the feeling that I’d lost something was back. I checked out without breakfast. Called my wife from the airport- Asked her if everything was ok at home. She sounded worried about me.

Last week I was outside Tulsa, OK. Stayed in a little cottage near a casino. The lights seemed dim in my room. And the tv didn’t work. I know this will sound ridiculous, but as soon as a set my bag down, the feeling was back. Obviously, I couldn’t have left anything yet. But I couldn’t shake it. I went to bed and couldn’t sleep, so logged on to YouTube. My Recommended Feed offered a video about a bible in Dalton, GA that leaks holy oil. From that video, I just watched whatever popped up next (When will the World End, The Truth about Imaginary Friends, How to Astral Travel, etc.) Five or six videos later, one came up on Lost Souls and What Causes a Soul to be Lost. It’s a short video of some old lady rambling about souls that can’t find the ‘light’ or something. But after watching it, I started to wonder if this reoccurring feeling could be tied to more than just leaving my slacks in Arkansas.

Tonight, I’m in Baton Rouge, LA. I think it was a bad idea to stay in a B&B. I’m a little freaked out. Should have booked the Marriott. I’m near the swamp and can hear the frogs and god knows what else outside my window. I met with a customer this morning who asked me if I believed in demon possession. The question caught me off guard. She realized I was uncomfortable and tried to downplay the question by telling me she had an aunt living in Shreveport who could tell someone’s mood by reading their aura. I said it sounded like a cool trick and changed the subject back to electrical components. She kept glancing above my head.

I’ve just felt weird all day. When I got back to my room tonight, I ordered some of that holy oil from the leaking bible. Not sure why. Not even sure what to do with it once it comes. I don’t want to sound cliché, but I don’t feel like myself. I don’t know if it is possible to ‘lose’ your soul like the YouTube lady said. I wouldn’t think you could just accidentally leave it in a B&B. But I do wonder if you can pick things up from rooms that others have stayed in. Like maybe it’s possible that someone left ‘bad energy’ in a room? Maybe it attached to me or my stuff.

This may not be the right venue to write this kind of experience, but I’m just not sure who to talk to. Feel free to comment. I’ll follow this post when the holy oil comes.
submitted by travelingsoul48 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Ok, here we go!

warn you now, this is long, and it will be impossible to include all the details. will try to TLDR at the bottom and sum it up best I can
Me (26) and my wife (24) have been together for ten years. I used to take a greyhound bus every other weekend to see her (She lived three hours away) and spend time with her. For the most part everything was wonderful. She was always very depressed but when I was there with her seemed like a completely different person. My mom paid for the tickets to go down everytime, which ended up causing alot of friction.
For the most part the first two years, we never even really argued (current wife, and I). Then she moved to Oklahoma with her dad (we lived in Louisiana), and me being a stubborn in love 17 year old, had my dad come down (Also lived in OK), pack me up while my mom was gone, and move up there too. On the plus side, my mom didn't really seem to mind too much. We now lived about an hour apart from each other. We ended up seeing each other less. My dad never really wanted to drive me to see her, and didnt seem interested in taking me to get my license.
We started fighting alot more, and one thing that I still remember is one fight we had because my step mom had one of her female friends over (My step mom is entirely immature so hangs out with people my age or younger) and she is convinced that EVERY female that I talk to, or talks to me is trying to have sex with me. So we get in an argument about it and she just yells out "I would be ok if my boyfriend weren't a manwhore!" at this point in my life, She is the ONLY person I've had sex with, even talked about having sex with (not because of religion or anything like that. Just never was interested with anyone else) so clearly this pretty much broke my heart.
Fast forward, I join the National Guard before I graduate High School that year. she seems real supportive and happy for me. We go down to visit her family in Louisiana for the summer, so I go with her before I leave. A perfect summer. I dont have any other way to describe it. great sex, great times, and just alot of fun. I leave, everyone's upset. She moves back in with her mom. We send letters back and forth, talk on the phone usually for an hour every sunday. My dad goes down to pick her up so she can be there at my Basic Training graduation. All of this is damn near perfect.
Get to AIT. (Job training basically) we have alot more free time than we used to, but I spend it all on the phone or computer with her. Hardly leave my room at all because she seems upset with me if I don't. Her depression seems to be getting worse and she starts cutting again (Bad habit she stopped doing when we got together) and I confide in her some male on male encounters I've had previously in my life (Not all were exactly consensual) and she seems to not only like it, but accept it. Which was a giant relief for me because I had been terrified to tell her for so long. (This is going to play a huge part later)
Then her and her friend get a great idea to make a fake account on a website we use to talk to each other (Pretty much just a geeky forum site) and start sending me messages out the blue. Straight to trying to pretty much sext me through these messages. to which I just ignore at first. I keep getting mesages for maybe an upwards of two hours, along with my wife texting me getting me extremely worked up sexually. Finally my better sense gives in to my dick and I start talking sexy back to the fake account. As soon as I do I get a call from her crying saying her and her friend set that up to try to get me to cheat.
honestly I was devastated. Both in my lack of control and discipline, and her lack of trust and her willingness to try to manipulate me like that. I had devoted the past three years of my life to her and she felt the need to do something like that. Looking back I know we should have called it quits then and there, but we didn't. I actually bought a ring and proposed to her over our Christmas break, and everything seemed to go back to normal.the cheating was hardly ever brought up again, and we both seemed to be able to move past it. I never told anyone about all this because I knew where it would go.
I graduate AIT, my dad moved out of Oklahoma, so I had nowhere to go, so they had to drive up two days late and pick me up, and take me down to Baton Rouge. I was enrolled in college in Oklahoma State, and was just waiting for the semester to start. Got my license, bought my first truck with my sign on bonus, would spend a couple weeks every now and then at my wife's mom and stepdads house. Still everything going great again. we start talking about the future, kids, etc. She's still in school and is having some trouble with alot of things guys (My wife is absolutely beautiful. so guys trying to pick up on her was an hourly thing), schoolwork, problems at home (Mom is an on and of druggy, her stepdad was an abusive corrupt lawyer) so she was just waiting for the summer to move back to OK with her dad.
we move back, still going great. I go to AT (Two week training deal in the summer) and we go up to Minessota for it. Real nice btw, not sure what part we were in but it was right off the lake, and it was beautiful! About a week in, we have a civilian day, pretty much everybody wears regular clothes and gets drunk off their ass. I don't drink. AT ALL by now. Partly because i'm underage, partly because of my dads issues with drinking (HUGE alcoholic and always gets loud and angry) so I've stayed away from it. The guys convince me to just let loose, and I get..... real bad drunk. I end up texting her mom talking about how great she looks and that I would love to have sex with her and just.... it was a mess. I didn't even remember it until I woke up the next day and seen the texts still in my phone. I apologized to her and just tried my best to ignore it and not drink anymore while I'm there.
Few days later I get a picture from a number I don't know (area code is where my wifes family is from) I couldnt really tell what the picture was, just looked like skin, so I just kinda text back saying "Sorry, think you got the wrong number?" I get a text back, it's my wifes step sister, whom I have never talked to a day in my life, even when were around each other. She tells me she got my number from Ashtons phone and wanted to talk to me because she always thought I was sexy (Big red flag in my mind right there) I am not a particularly attractive or unnatractive person in my opinion. I don't remember the exact conversation (This was 6 years ago) bit it followed the lines of me telling her we don't really have a reason to talk and her going on and on about what she wants me to do her.
By now I know something is off. No one who you've never talked to is going to try so hard to keep talking to you like this when you show NO interest whatsoever. In my mind I start to think this is Ashtons doing. So I decide to be a smart ass, and play along. Sure enough, first text I send back, Ashton calls crying. miraculously she found out just SECONDS after I send it, kinda like she was sitting RIGHT there. she denies it, tells me how much of a piece of shit I am, and that she knows about the texts I sent to her mom. Proceeds to tell me it's over, which I'm kind of ok with at this point. Her steps sister texts me saying she's sorry and that Ashton was the one that put her up to it. so just confirmed my suspicions anyway.
Lo and Behold, a few days later, we get back together. Our sex life takes a..... strange? Wrong maybe, turn. She starts talking about how she sometimes thinks of just giant orgies and people just taking turns with her. I'm not comfortable but I dont want to hurt her or upset her so I play along. college starts, I get put on a floor with a bunch of other nerds (I may not have mentioned it but I am nerd to the extreme) so It's nice to be around people like me. I have all this planned out and actually get active, playing racquetball, going to the gym, being social with people for once. Driving to visit Ashton usually every other weekend when I could afford it out of my drill check or if someone sent me money. Get a hotel room, go out, stuff like that. Was still pretty nice. One weekend we go to the fair with her dad and step mom, things have been up and down lately. All she talks about is all her male friends and is always busy with JROTC. I'm honestly uncomfortable with the male friends, just one that she talks about a bit too much but don't say anything, and I encourage her about her JROTC. The fair was great though, we had alot of fun, and it was a good weekend.
I wake up that wednsday after, to her dumping me. Out the blue, a three page text, saying it's all the stuff that happened at AT over a year ago, that was never even brought up. I'm devastated at this point. I thought things were fine and we were still going to get married. I slip into a giant depression, stop going to class, hanging out with people, eating, all I do is sleep pretty much. I think about killing myself (Stupid me) but it doesnt go past self harm. Despite all this, I still go see her, we still have sex ALOT, and it's like were together.
I then find out, 15 minutes after she dumped me, her and the guy I was always hearing about were together. I confront her and it becomes a "Oh it was a spur of the moment kind of thing" yeah bullshit. This is a couple weeks after, so the whole time we've been doing this "quasi-together" thing she's been doing it all with someone else too. I become just.. lose it. I start flirting with an old girlfriend, flirting with a guy I know, the self harm gets worse. I think I literally lost my mind for a while. On top of it all, deployment orders to Afghanistan. so it was not a good time for me. She is still texting me, messaging me, about how much she loves me, wants me, needs to feel me, etc.
Me and my old girlfriend are still talking, and we mess around once, before I leave to do my deployment training. Me and Ashton are still in contact, mostly me being angry that she's still trying to pull me around and use me as a crutch, while she does exactly that and tells me it's not like that. a few weeks before I actually go overseas, she says she broke up with the guy and wants us to be back together. Save the "you dumb-ass" remarks, I say yes. Now I don't stop talking to the ex girlfriend right away though..... I did eventually.... but not when I should have. I do cut complete contact with her as soon as we stop. our deployment gets changed to Kuwait two weeks before we leave.
We get there in July, I buy a laptop, some (shitty) internet, and we talk as much as we can with a nine hour time difference and her still in School. She has moved to Missouri now, to live with her grandparents (In ase you can't tell, we move ALOT) I go on my leave in December, we drive to Hot Springs, and get married. It was a great honeymoon, and as perfect as I could ask for. We get our first tattoos, eat expensive food, take alot of pictures, have alot of sex, etc, etc. (I keep mentioning alot of sex, believe me, it ties in later) I go back to finish the last four months and we're both heartbroken.
well lo and behold, she gets on her sister facebook one day and sees messages between me and her from god knows when, and takes, and posts them straight to facebook. No talking to me about it first or anything. Well, ex girlfriend sees them, and tells her we had a thing going to. Everything goes to shit, and it looks like it's all over. She eventually calms down and says she would like to stay married and works things out. We agree to that, and I delete every non family member female from my facebook to make her more comfortable. She has my password to it, and my email address, everything. I know I broke her trust and had to make up for it.
Deployment ends, I come back. I ordered alot of stuff while I was deployed so I stay in Louisiana for a week to catch up with family there and get all my stuff together I bought, go to Oklahoma to visit my dad and he tells me an Uncle who lives there is having heart surgery. He's gonna go visit and the family wanted to see me too. They hadn't seen me since I was maybe ten or younger so I agree. My wife throws a fit. She can't understand why I would stay for family I don't really know, and it's just a fight from hell about it. I stay anyway, catch up with them, and leave once the surgery is done and everything is ok. I pack up all my stuff (Fits in the back of a GMC sonoma) and head to Missouri to move there.
Get there, living with her grandparents, on unemployment until I find a job, she's going to school. Things feel normal, again, alot of sex, constantly. Can't find a job there, so my dad offers a job working with him in Arkansas, I initially say no, but the more I think about it, and longer no job shows up, I think more on it. Talk it over with my wifes grandpa. She doesnt want to go, cant stand my dad or stepmom, which is understandable. I love my dad, but my step mom is a miserable, abusive, pot head. but her grandpa says that if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Well they kick her out..... yeah. So we move to her other grandparents in Oklahoma. I get a job as a shift leader, with a fast track to assistant manager, at a little ice cream place there. We find out my wife is pregnant with our first son, besides the living arrangments for now, everything is looking great.
The place I worked at, let you charge things to your check (Fruit, ice cream, veggies, etc) so usually I would bring my wife some pears, apples, ice cream, whatever she was craving when I left at night. one night I was in a hurry, and just thought to myself "No one will notice if I just grab some pears, and ice cream out the door". Well I was wrong, came in the next day, worked a couple hours, pulled to the side, and fired. It was extremely upsetting, because I knew I failed myself, her, and my unborn child. I cried for.... damn near all day. Got back on unemployment, but didn't find another job, so moved down with my dad to work at this "promised" job.
Was much less promising than thought. Instead of an actual job, I got paid to help clean up the shop he worked in, and do little things until it was all done. Couldn't work more than 40 hours, lived in a garage at my dad with my wife, though it was pretty comfortable. my friend got me hired on in my hometown selling vehicle parts. less money, but it was steady.
Moved in with my grandma, worked there, had our first child. a boy we named Danny Christopher Scott (after my grandpa, and her dad). She started visiting her family alot. I had to drive to Oklahoma every month for my drill for the Guard (Six hours there, six back) so she would stay with her family there until I came back up, so the first seven months of my sons life I didn't get to spend alot of time with him. When they were at my grandmas house, I did all the work for Danny. bathed, fed, changed diapers, put to sleep, got up with at night, etc. just to be at work at 7 in the morning everyday. I hate to say it, but this made me extremely resentful, even now it does. All she did was sleep, and leave when she could.
My grandmother told me that we couldn't stay at her house much longer and that we needed to get our own place (Understandable. I was a grown man with a family and a job) and it started to stress me out even more. One day in walmart I was walking past a bunch of house stuff.... and I don't know why, but decided to try to steal a bunch of it for when we got a house of our own. It was extremely stupid and I haven't stolen anything since college. They got me on the way out the store, I had to pay 100 dollars to bail myself out, and since it was a little town, everyone knew as soon as it happened. Went to work monday, got let go because of things missing from the store which fell on me. I didn't take anything from the store, and I found it later it was my coworker doing some real shady stuff, but it happened and I was let go.
more problems for me and my wife, always arguing whether she was there or not. my dad had another job lined up in Baton Rouge, so we moved down there. This one actually worked and I got hired on doing chemical trailer repair for 13 an hour, working at least 60 hours a week. It was a godsend. We stayed in some shitty run down trailer park for 400 a month, all bills paid.My truck had broke down a while ago, so I rode to work with my dad who lived a few trailers down. Despite the roof leaking, the AC not working hardly, and wasps, it was the best thing ever. I had my family and we were making it. After a few months and getting a vehicle figured out, we decide to look for apartments. We found one that my wife had her heart set on. It was a bit pricey for my liking, 700 a month for a two bedroom. So I tried to convince her we just needed a one bedroom, which was 550. It was only me her, and our son, so I figured one bedroom would still be plenty. He wasnt even a year old yet, but she wouldn't have it. Had to be the two bedroom, so being the beta male that I have come to learn I was, I folded and we signed the lease. We had found out she was pregnant again.
I was still doing almost everything for our son, though he was crawling and playing by himself more. When she got pregnant again it got worse. I had to do dishes, laundry, clean, take care of Danny, and work. It was overwhelming honestly, yet again, I began to feel the resent coming back that I had managed to overlook for so long. we began to fight alot more often again. My ankle started giving me problems (Have had a bad ankle from club foot surgery as a baby but never really bothered me until now) I think mostly from walking on concrete in bad shoes all day, so I started missing alot of work for it. We were already barely affording food, the apartment, and bills, so that just put me entirely behind. I had to ask my dad for alot of money, help him on side jobs, but it still wasnt enough.
Our rent bill got to be 1200 dollars one month due to late fees, eviction costs, etc,so I had the choice to either pay it all, or use that money to move and start a new job. We talked it over, and decided to move instead. We moved back to my hometown and I drove an hour to work every morning and back, doing the same thing. Their trailers were a little different and i had trouble adjusting to everything right away. So the guy training me proceeded to insult on me pretty much a daily basis to where I dreaded even having to go to work now. Eventually I was fired because he told them i had no clue what I was doing. We were living in my uncles trailer with my friend at the time. Got on unemployment, my wife found a job at the nursing home in town (Got her GED and CNA license while in Baton Rouge) so we had a decent income with us two combined.
we had our second child for around six months at this time. Like the first, I did everything, but now for two kids. My family seen it, her family seen it, my friend seen it. I think resentment is too kind of a word for how I felt now. My wife acted helpless and powerless to do anything outside of work. I drove her to work at 1:30 in the evening, and went with the kids to pick her up at 10 at night. sometimes we would sit for an hour waiting. She started acting different. Keeping her phone close AT ALL times, which she never really did, she used to lose it quite often. she always had her head buried in it, and started hanging out with people who have a pretty bad reputation around town. Finally one day when she wasnt around her phone, I looked.
She had texts to a guy she worked with (Dated my cousin for ten years) doing nothing but bitching about me, about being the only one to work, and asking him if he "Liked her butt in those pants" I lost it. I had been taking care of our kids alone, doing everything, so she could go to work and flirt and fuck around with some fat fuck (I know I'm not innocent by any means of flirting. Neither of us were at this point. After we got married I did straighten up and never even entertained a female AT ALL) She told me it wasn't like that at all and that a coworker told her they caught him looking. I still told her it was innaproptiate even if it didnt mean anything flirtatious.
She pretty much told me I was being stupid, and just paranoid, and continued to talk to the guy. We got cut a GREAT deal on a house from a close family friend. a rent to own deal, 2 acres in town, 3 bed, one bath house, for 15000, 300 a month. Its older, but you cant beat that deal if you try. We jumped on it, moved in, she got her own license because I got a job at the boat plant in town. I worked 6-2:45, she 2-10 so it was stresfull with one vehicle making that work and we never spent anytime together due to her weird days off schedule, and what few days we did get to spend together, she spent sleeping constantly, or being short with me and the kids.
She had also signed up for the Guard herself and was due to leave for Basic training in 4 months. We talked about it, she made more than me, we didn't get any time, and we could make it on what she made. so we decided for me to quit and stay home with the kids while she worked like it used to be so we get time before she leaves. She ended up working more and more, and spending time out when she was done working. Yet again, she started talking about another guy she had met through someone at work, and it was always "Yeah, he brought me some food, so you dont have tonight" "he let me use his jacket because it got too cold" etc, etc. the usual giant red flags you see and hear. I ignored them for as long as I could and tried to trust her.
One night she stayed at her friends house, they were supposed to go out to the casinos in town, but ended up canceling to stay at her place and drink. She was sending me pictures of her being all dressed up in sexy dresses her friend had. then told me that the guy was there. She was supposed to be home around 1:30. She quit texting around 12, and dissapeared until 3:30. I stayed up all night worried, the kids were being restless and difficult. She finally came in drunk as hell, and ended up having sex with me, and it all just felt..... off.
Couple nights later, she is glued to her phone, even worse. So she goes to take a shower, I grab it and look. Text from the guy "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave a mark on you" her reply "It's fine, I don't regret it all" I confront her. I get fed some bullshit "It was just a kiss, and he kissed along my neck, I was drunk, I'm so sorry" I don't believe it of course for a second, but I let it go because somehow despite everything I love her and thought she loved me. Over the summer her other sister comes to stay with us for a month. I get a little drunk and don't really make a move on her or anything, but we just talk about games, and stuff like that, and I just tell her she grew up to be pretty cool, and (jokingly) tell her if me and Ashton don't work out, I'm gonna get with her. She's 17, so it was a complete joke, inappropriate yes, but not serious.
So my wife gets on my computer, snoops through Facebook, sees the messages, and immediartely tells me I'm trying to fuck her little sister. Proceeds to insult me, push on me, tells me to get the fuck out, etc. So I pack my stuff up and leave to let her calm down. Come back later, and we make up and try to get along.
She leaves for Basic, and everything I had seen her telling guys just hang over me. I stay in the house constantly because the vehicle has crapped out on us. I take care of the boys alone constantly, and only get letters from her once every two weeks. I'm having a tough time, but I'm hanging in there so far. She graduates Basic, and due to a big fiasco, we cant make it there for it. She goes to AIT.
She prettu much starts to just ignore me. She is always posting thing son facebook with friends, (Mostly guys) and never anything about our kids, doesn't attempt to try to video chat us, and barely has time to call. Her family starts to talk to me about it, I don't really know what to tell them. Her and one of her girl friends have a little thing go on, and I'm fine with it honestly. I know she's sexually frustrated, she sends me videos, win win right?
She ends up getting caught at a hotel with a big group of people that she was "drug along to" and gets in a lot of trouble (thats where people go to have sex) and they give her an article 15 (something you REALLY dont want on your record) but remove when they talk to her about it and think she needs therapy. So she ends up not coming home when she is supposed to. She has been gone 8 months at this point.
One night she is crying to me, upset, and I'm telling her it's ok. She keeps saying I dont understand and that she's so sorry. I just keep asking what. She admits to having sex with Chance (Fat fuck at work) guy that was at the friends house (Knew that one deep down anyway) and messing around with a guy that eventually tried to force himself onto her in Arizona (where her AIT is) I break down crying because even when you know the truth, having it spoken still hurts alot worse.
I still try to push through. she's going to her therapy there, I keep trying to supress the anger, and hurt, and tears. Finally it breaks one day and I say i want a divorce. She tries to talk me out of it, I ignore her for two weeks. Only talking to her about the kids, or finances. After two weeks, I get ahold of myself and try to talk to her. She thinks I've found someone, which I haven't. She says she hasn't either, but then 30 minutes later tells me she's with someone.
So clearly she lied, I found out she's been talking to this guy for months now. I think at this point I begin to hate her. All the time she told me she was so sorry and never meant to hurt me, and just wanted us to be ok, she was STILL talking to other people. I start talking to someone on facebook who I find I like quite a bit. I don't attempt to make a relationship though. She's going through a divorce and is clearly hung up on her ex, just as I am. Recipe for distater.
Ashton finds out and just loses her shit. I begin to realize she doesn't want me, but doesnt want anyone else to have me. Begins to tell me that I sexually abused her (Our sex life was..... wilder than average, but she would tell me she LOVES it) that I was emotionally abusive, I admit to that now, after reading more. I feel she played a big part in it too though, but I'm to blame also. She also claims I physically abused her (I have never laid a hand on her. I watched my mother be beat for years previously and I would never put my hands on a woman in anger) and then proceeds to tell me I took advantage of her by not working, which we both agreed to happen, and that she is the only one who supported our family. which to an extent she's a right, when I quit the last time, no unemployment since I quit.
She still continues to tell me she loves me and is heartbroken over us divorcing. the usual stuff she did when she left years ago. it goes back and forth like this for months. She finally gets released and comes back. she has nowhere to stay, so she stays at the house. I try to stay out of her way, because any kind of interaction leads to fighting.
We try therapy a couple sessions, and I finally tell her she has to pick me or Justin (the other guy) because she is in between and its not right or working. She picks Justin, just to have him tell her its not going to work (He's in Kentucky) and that distance wouldn't work. So she of course goes "Heartbroken" after six months of on and off with this guy three times already.
After telling me we could never work anyway, she begins to "magically" think we can, at this point I really don't want to. I've gotten used to being a single parent and I'm realizing how much of a train wreck she is, but she seems upset that I don't want to. So I agree, at this point she has told me "I will never feel comfortable around you, cuddling, being touched, sex, or anything" yet the first night we have sex again, its the way it always has been. Dirty, hard, etc. All the ways I "sexually abused" her before that she didn't want but is begging for again.
We resume normal sex, maybe every other night. Then I find out she is STILL entertaining guys over facebook. So I call it quits, kick her our eventually because it's not working for either of us like this. She gets an apartment in town, her friend lets her use her vehicle. She's going to "get her life straight and prove me wrong" that was over a year ago.
We have tried again, she moved back in, sex was non existant almost (3 times in six months, two of which were the same day) She stayed up late at night and would ignore me to play xbox with her male friends. Her friends she work with pretty much insult me every chance they get, insult her for being with me. so I call it quits yet again because to me it seemed she had no real interest in earning my trust again, or actually trying.
We get in a huge fight one night. She is now throwing things at me, books, dvd cases, etc. following me around the house pushing me, hitting me on the chest and back. She goes to my bookshelf and attempts to flip it over. at this point I wrap my arms around her. Just to hopefully make her stop. She goes nuts and starts throwing herself around so I tighten up to keep her from hitting the bookshelf. She then calls the cops on me! I go outside to wait for them, in my mind I have done NOTHING wrong except try to stop her from destroying anymore of my property. They show up, I tell them the truth. exactly what I just typed. I'm assuming she doesn't, because the cops proceed to tell me, the first person to "Place hands on their spouse" is the guilty party, and that I'm now looking at felony domestic battery. Kids are asleep in the bed, they have no clue anything is happening.
The van for the correctional center is nowhere near town, so that's the only thing that stopped me from going. I again, told her she "needed to get the fuck out of my house" she cries, tells me she "doesnt mean or want to be this way" I still make her leave. She spends everyday telling me how sorry she is, blah blah blah.
After around two months she tells me she has been thinking about dating again. I tell her thats great and I hope she finds someone who can take care of her. She thanks me, and says she hopes too and that she thinks she found someone. I'm happy for her. Despite everything she's the mother of my children. For at least our childrens sake I want her to have a succesful life.
My curiosity gets the best of me, because I think I know who she's talking about (guy she played xbox with everynight) so I just facebook him. Turns out they had been together over a month now. In this month she has kissed me, flirted with me, told me she still loves me, etc. So now again, I am pissed, say some very choice words to her. The usual, betrayed reaction. Our counselor made us PROMISE that if we got involved with someone, tell the other so there's nothing like THIS situation later. Yet again, I was lied to. I gave up for a while. She would text me about how depressed she was, how the relationship isn't going the way she'd like, that she wants to be with me but is scared.
Three weeks ago, we agreed to try again. She has already gone through my phone to look at facebook messages while telling me she was wanting to "Pick a song on my phone" By now.... I am drinking whiskey on a regular basis. smoke pot maybe, once every two weeks, I can tell I'm losing control of my life. In two years, she has kept our children two weeks, one week was WITH her boyfriend who she had been with for two months. But I agree. She had a friend die from her unit monday night, and she didn't want to be alone last night. So she packed a bag, and xbox and came over. I got..... drunk last night. 11 beers in an hour drunk, and I was worried her friend might have been more than a friend and just asked. she exploded on me. Which led to a fight, me punching the wall (Pretty sure my thumb is broke right now) and her going home. She is now saying she is done completely, and if she is then I am too.
I moved EVERY year of my life, different schools with each move almost. I don't have friends really. I don't understand basic human things like mourning. It sounds stupid but I feel so far removed from people that I just couldn't comprehend her being upset over someone dying. I feel stupid for asking and knew I should have stayed shut up. I tried explaining that but she just turned it into me thinking she's a whore, and I haven't told her, but that's all she has shown to me in the past three years.
I know it wasn't right for me to ask that, and I'm addressing my drinking. this broken thumb is kind of a big wake up call to me. I'm just a wreck and I have no support from family, or my few "friends" i've managed to keep. I just feel like I'm losing my mind. She blamed everyone for everything that's ever happened to me and it's all fallen on me. It has sucked my will to live or anything. I don't know what to do right now.
I am currently enrolled in a community college for Healthcare management, trying to get an actual career instead of the jobs I've been working. I'm done drinking, and smoking, and trying to be more active with my boys.
TLDR: me and my wife/ex wife have made a complete mess of our lives and relationship. Have two kids I have always, and still do everything for. Began covering up my problems with alcohol, realize that it was making more problems for me. She blames me for EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in her life. I really do want to be free but I still love her. How can I let go of this abusive, toxic person, and get my life where it needs to be?
If you read ALL of that, then Kudos. I will take any advice, just keep it constructive please. I'm well aware of how much of a push over i've been and how alot of this does fall on my shoulders. Whether it was by my sheer imcompetence as a man, husband, and person in general, or things I knew better than anyway. so save that part of the speech please. Thanks guys, and probably some gals!
submitted by Sereden91 to Marriage [link] [comments]

Official Weekly Summary (Apr 21 - Apr 27, 2017)

Weekly Summary (Apr 21 - Apr 27, 2017)
Hi everyone,
Hope you have a wonderful week. Thanks for the gold on last week's summary. Take care and stay safe. ✌ ♥ ☺
Last week's summary (April 14 - April 20, 2017)
submitted by IamMatlock to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

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